EDFC Summer Grass-Roots Football Festival 2025
Event Timing: June 7th
Event Address: Loretto Playing Fields G64 2PZ
Contact us at edfcfestival@gmail.com

2019s Fun 4s  £60     ::    2018s Fun 4s  £60   ::   2017s Five asides £70
2016s Seven asides £90   ::   2015s Seven asides £90   :: 2014s Seven asides £90 

June 8th 2025 
2013 Age Group

Alongside the football we will have bouncy castles and inflatables, food trucks and ice cream vans and more fun activities.

Event Timing: June 14th & June 15th 2025 
Event Address: Loretto Playing Fields G64 2PZ
Contact us at edfcfestival@gmail.com

2012 Age Groups. £180 This weekend we are running an 11 aside tournament for 2012 age group . Again with food truck and ice cream van on site. 

Remember, if you have more than 1 team within your age group, these need to be registered individually. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Your Mobile Number *
Your Team Name *
Your Team Registration Number
Your league *
Your Age Group *
Your Preferred Level *
Photographers will be present each day of both weekends, you agree to  photographs of your team, coaches and players to be published on EDFC social channels promoting this festival. *
When attending the festival, each Team should meet their governing bodies requirements for football activities including minimum coach numbers, first aid and PVG qualifications.  *
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