This quiz will help you identify your options
For each question, choose the best answer based on how you feel.  
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What does your score suggest might be right for you?
11-16 (You may find a large hospital with an OB/Gyn for your pregnancy care is the best fit.), 17-21 (You may find that a smaller community hospital with an OB or family doctor is best for you.), 22-26 (You may wan a midwife as your care provider at a hospital.), 27-33 (An out-of-hospital birth with a midwife may be what you feel is best.)
What do your ideal prenatal appointments look like?
6 points
Choose what feels most right to you
Quick. I’m really busy, and want to get in and out quickly, with short concise appointments
I want to feel like I have time to ask questions, but expect to get most of my info from books, apps, classes and the internet.
I want someone who will take the time I need to talk with me and answer all my questions, even if it might mean my appointments run long.
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 How comfortable are you in unfamiliar territory?
6 points
Choose what feels most right to you
It’s easy for me to adapt to new places, and I’m comfortable almost anywhere, including hospitals.
I’m OK in unfamiliar places, as long as I have familiar faces and things with me.
I really feel happiest in familiar surroundings, on my own turf. I may be uncomfortable in a new, unfamiliar space.
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Which best describes your feelings about safety during labor, and what might reduce your worries?
6 points
Choose what feels most right to you
I’m worried about all the things that might go wrong. I would only feel safe in a major hospital that could handle any emergency.
I’m feeling pretty confident about birth, but everyone I know has given birth in a hospital, so I believe that would feel safest to me.
I’d feel safest with care providers who view birth as a
natural life process, not a medical procedure, and who will refer me on to a higher level of medical care if needed.
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How important is freedom the move around, eat and drink as desired, and make choices in labor that feel right and comfortable for you?
6 points
Choose what feels most right to you
I’m not worried about limitations on movement, food, and other potential choices. I trust my providers to advise what is best for the situation.It’s only one day in my life.
I like to have freedom and choices, but I can work with
specific limitations, if they’re medically necessary.
want to be able to move when and how I want to
move. I want to be able to eat if I’m hungry. I get stressed out when I think about not being able to do what feels right at the time.
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Who will be the health care provider at your birth?
6 points
Choose what feels most right to you
I am happy to work with any providers and their residents/students who happen to be on call at the time of my labor.
I would prefer to have a familiar care provider with me and not have providers in training.
I want to establish a relationship with my care providers, and to get to know in advance everyone who may be at my birth.
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What type of personal support do you want to have during your labor and birth?
6 points
Choose what feels most right to you
I am ok with my birth location limiting the number of support people I have with me during my labor and birth.
I would like the option to have two support people with me, but I understand this may not be possible during all circumstances.
I want to choose how many support people I have and who they are.
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Hydrotherapy: are you looking forward to using the tub and/or shower during your labor and birth?
6 points
Choose what feels most right to you
Having access to water during my labor is not important to me.
I think soaking in a tub during labor would be nice. I would like this option to be available.
I would love to labor in water, and have the option to give birth in water if it feels right to me at the time.
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What pain medication options do you want to have?
6 points
Choose what feels most right to you
I want an epidural available ASAP when I request one.
I would prefer not to use pain medications, but I want there to be options if I decide I need or want them.
I am planning unmedicated birth, and want to have people around me who can help me achieve that goal.
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How do you feel about medical procedures and interventions during your labor and birth?
6 points
Choose what feels most right to you
I am totally fine with whatever medical interventions make childbirth quicker, easier, and less painful for me.
I believe that birth is a natural process, but that some medical procedures may help it go smoother.
I want to have as natural an experience as possible, with as few medical procedures and interventions as possible.
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How do you feel about giving birth by cesarean?
6 points
Choose what feels most right to you
I'm not concerned about having a cesarean. Either a cesarean or vaginal birth is fine with me.
I would really prefer to have a vaginal birth, but I know that sometimes things don’t go as planned.
I really want to explore all options to avoid a cesarean if at all possible.
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What do you want your immediate postpartum to be like?
6 points
Choose the best answer
I look forward to being in the hospital and having nurses, lactation consultants, physicians and other specialists there to take care of me and my baby.
I want to be mostly independent, but have providers close by if needed.
I want to be at home when I give birth, or return to my own home as soon as we are stable.
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