MHRR Guinea Pig Waiting List*

MHRR keeps several guinea pigs throughout our foster homes year-round, we do not have a public shelter. Most of our guinea pigs are located in and around Baton Rouge, LA. We can only keep as many as our foster homes can hold, and that number fluctuates depending on home availability as well as if guinea pigs are housed together. Even though we have so many up for adoption, we have to keep a waiting list of guinea pigs asking for our assistance as the intake requests typically outnumber the adoptions, just like cat and dog rescues. We regret telling any guinea pig no for the time being, but we must take proper care and provide appropriate housing, food, and vetting for the ones already in our care. Summer is the hardest time as adoptions are less frequent (vacations, summer camps) and intake requests increase, but we keep the list going year round.

We try to prioritize for urgent or time-sensitive cases, and guinea pigs in animal control facilities where euthanasia is a possibility are top priority. Guinea pigs being returned from adoption are also top priority. Otherwise we try to take in guinea pigs in the order of date the requests were received. The wait for a spot in a foster home sometimes depends on the size and number of guinea pigs being surrendered. While we are blessed to have spare cages in storage for emergencies and such, we already have as many as we can fit space-wise inside our foster homes so donating a cage or habitat will not usually quicken the wait time.
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