Tryout Registration
Please fill out this form if you are interested in trying out for the 2023-2023 CCHS Cheer Team.  By filling out this form you are simply requesting information about the upcoming tryouts.  You will still be required to fill out all required athletic paperwork prior to tryouts.

May 17th at 7pm - Tryout Meeting via Zoom

May 30th 9am-12pm - Tryout Clinic

May 31st 9am-12pm - Tryouts

June 7th at 7pm - Parent Meeting for those who made the team via Zoom

**Tryout Videos will be posted before tryouts so you have time to practice before the first day of clinics.

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Athlete Name *
Student Number *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Birthday *
Grade for the 23-23 School Year *
Parent's Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone *
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