Solar Faithful Interest Form

The Solar Faithful team, which includes Michigan Interfaith Power & Light, the Climate Witness Project, World Renew, Chart House Energy, and others, are launching a solar organization for Michigan faith communities. Our vision is to increase solar access in Michigan faith communities to encourage all congregations, especially Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), low-income congregations, and diverse faith traditions, to work toward addressing the climate crisis. Our goal is that at least 50% of participating faith communities will be congregations of predominantly BIPOC or low-income/low-wealth membership, and/or are non-Christian, non-Unitarian faith traditions.

Aside from an opportunity for faith communities to exercise care for Creation, benefits include:

       - No upfront cost for the solar panels and their installation  

       - Maintenance is provided for 25 years. 

       - Saving 10% of the cost on the electricity generated by the solar panels.


       - Houses of worship

       - Religious schools

       - Buildings of regional bodies, ecumenical, and interfaith organizations

       - Other faith-based nonprofit organizations

*All information provided will be used only for program purposes -- never shared or sold beyond this collaboration.

We support exploring options for implementing energy efficiency and electrification of building systems as first steps to right-size the solar system. To this end, Solar Faithful is collaborating with BlocPower and other like-minded organizations to offer interested faith-based organizations financing options for these projects. If interested, please complete the "Optional" questions towards the end of this form.

Once a member of your organization fills out this form and submits the electric bills for the most recent 12 months, a member of our team will follow-up to share more program details. 

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Faith-based organization name *
Type of organization (select all that apply if your organization has more than one building) *
Website (or social media page) *
Street address (street, city, state, zip code) *
Christian denomination (if applicable)
Year your congregation or organization was established *
Approx. how many members does your organization have? (i.e., how many members attend your congregation; how many students in your school, etc.) *
What are your organization's goals for going solar? (please select all that apply) *
Racial Diversity
Please indicate whether the following statements are reflective of your organization.
Our organization has predominantly BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) leadership (clergy and lay). *
Our organization has predominantly BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) membership. *
Economic Diversity
Please indicate whether the following statements are reflective of your organization.
Our organization has a ministry that serves low-income individuals and/or families. *
Our organization is predominately made up of members who are low-income or low-wealth. *
Our organization has a full-time clergy on staff. *
Our organization's approximate annual budget is under $250,000: *
Contact Person
Please share the name and contact information of the person who will serve as the point of contact for the purpose of exploring solar for your organization.
Contact name *
Contact's role within your organization *
Contact email *
Contact phone number *
Utility Information
Who is your organization's electricity provider? *
What is your organization's average monthly electric bill (in kWh)?
Have you had a solar assessment to explore what size solar array would be the right size for your building? *
If yes, what system size has been proposed (in kW)?
If you have had a solar assessment, what is the approximate % of your electricity that solar would provide?
How old is your building's roof? *
Optional Questions: Energy Efficiency & Electrification
Electrification is the process whereby fossil-fuel sources of power - like coal, oil and gas - are substituted with electricity generated from renewable energy sources, like solar, wind, hydro and geothermal. 
Do you have an interest in energy efficiency or electrification for your building?
What is the timing you are working with? Is there any urgency (e.g. a furnace, boiler, or hot water heater that needs to be replaced) to the upgrades? 

Are there any aging appliances that are in need of replacement?

What is the age of your electrical panel?
What is the square footage of your building?
What is your building's heating system type?
What is your building's heating system's fuel source?
What is the age of the heating system?
What is the age of the cooling system?
Other Comments
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