Claremont Adult School Exit Survey

Thank you for taking the time to help us improve, we check the results of these surveys often. All surveys are completely anonymous (unless you decide to provide your name) so please be honest.

Please note, we do not respond back to these surveys.
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1. Which program were you enrolled in? *
2. How was my class? *
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Strongly Disagree
No Opinion
Strongly Agree
My teacher helped me when I requested for help.
My classroom had technology to make learning better.
My teacher knew the material well.
I felt safe in my classroom.
My teacher was prepared for class.
Overall I was very satisfied with my class.
Other comments about your class?
3. What did you learn? Because I took this class? *
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Strongly Disagree
No Opinion
Strongly Agree
I am more likely to set future goals for my self.
My reading and writing skills have improved.
I know how to better use technology to solve a problem.
I am more responsible for my education.
I am better prepared to make personal financial decisions.
I have learned skills to make me better prepared to find a job.
My English listening and speaking skills have improved.
(If you are looking for a job) -- I have learned skills to make me better prepared to find a job.
4. How was my registration experience? *
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Strongly Disagree
No Opinion
Strongly Agree
I received adequate help to understand how to register for my class.
It was easy to register for classes.
The front office staff was helpful and nice to me.
My counselor/teacher explained why I was testing.
I understood why I was placed in the class level according to my test results.
I knew the location of my class when I registered.
Overall I am very satisfied with my experience registering for classes.
Any additional comments about the registration process?
5. Tell us about our school: *
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Strongly Disagree
No Opinion
Strongly Agree
I had good access to computers and materials.
I was able to access my classes online when needed.
The school is clean.
The restrooms were clean and in working condition.
I feel safe on campus.
6. How did you find out about our school/class? *
7. Are you satisfied and would tell others? *
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Strongly Disagree
No Opinion
Strongly Agree
I am very satisfied with my overall experience at Claremont Adult School.
I would highly recommend this school to other people.
It is very likely I will tell other people that they should come to school here.
Any additional comments?
Name (optional)
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