Ojr Commission Form
Please read through my TOS, and Commissions page at https://ojrart.carrd.co/#tos before filling in the form, thank you very much.

Payment will be done via PayPal invoice (and Ko-Fi is avaliable as well). The final piece will only be delivered after payment. The prices are in USD. The price may differ depending on the complexity of the piece. If there's any changes to the work requested after completing the commission, extra fees may be charged.

I will send a DM to the client confirming the commission order once it is selected. For updates, please defer to my Trello workboard.

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Which email am I sending Paypal invoice to? (make sure it's verified and safe first) *
Social media handle?
Commission Type? (base prices)
Specifics about the request: What's your character/idea, what are they like, and how do you want them drawn?
Reference images? Be specific. (Be sure to drop links so I can make sure)
Any other info?
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