IRAP Alumni Survey
Tell us how you'd like to stay connected with IRAP!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Permanent Email *
Which IRAP law school chapter were you in? *
In what year did you graduate law school? *
Current City *
Current State *
If living outside of the U.S., current country of residence
Current/Future Employer
Are you interested in volunteering as a pro bono attorney for IRAP? *
Would you like to sign up for IRAP's monthly newsletter? *
Our newsletter includes general IRAP news, major policy and casework updates, updates from the field, and links to recent media.
As an IRAP alumnus, how often would you like to hear from IRAP? *
What is your preferred mode of contact with IRAP National? *
Please check all that apply.
What kinds of engagement opportunities would you like to see from the IRAP Alumni Association? *
Please check all that apply.
How often would you attend events organized by the IRAP Alumni Association? *
Are you interested in taking on a leadership role within the IRAP Alumni Association? *
If a local IRAP Alumni Chapter were founded in your area, would you consider joining? *
If you answered 'Yes' to the above, would you also consider taking on a leadership role within your local Alumni Chapter?
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Are you interested in being featured in the Alumni Spotlight series?
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