Deeper Learning Virtual Academy Application for Admission for the 25-26 School Year
Thank you for your interest in Deeper Learning Virtual Academy! Parents and guardians are welcome to apply online for a seat for their student in the school. Parents and guardians, please fill out a separate application for each student for which you are applying. DLVA is open to all students of the West Allis West Milwaukee School District as well as students applying through the Wisconsin Inter-District Open Enrollment process. 

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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
WAWM Student ID Number
If your student is not already enrolled in WAWM SD, then you do not complete this box.
Grade of student for 2025-2026 school year. *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Address *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
School District in which you reside *
If a current WAWM student, what is the student's attendance area school?  (If applying under open enrollment, please indicate that you have filled out the open enrollment application or alternative open enrollment application).  Open enrollment seats have been determined by the WAWM School Board.
If your student is enrolled at a WAWM high school, please list the name of the guidance counselor. If you aren't sure or are not enrolled in WAWM high school currently, please skip this question. 
If your student is applying under WI Public School Open Enrollment, please indicate that you understand that you also need to apply using the Public School Open enrollment application and be accepted through Open Enrollment to WAWM (ignore if resident of West Allis West Milwaukee).
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