Jazz Band or Musician request
Use this form to get the right referral for your wedding or event.  We'll line up some referrals for you, and even help you with the contract and help you handle the negotiation if you like.  
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Email *
Date of event
purpose of event
time frame (if known)
I am looking for.....
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What is the mood of the event (romantic, calm, party, happy, artistic and brooding.....)
I prefer
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My favorite era is
a few of may favorite jazz artists or favorite albums are
something I absolutely don't want is......
Is your event formal or casual? How should musicians dress? (tuxes, suits, professional, business-casual,  summer casual, themed, other?)
What is your max budget or target range?
Will the musicians receive extras - (food, overnight accommodations or other perks?)
Will the artists be required to learn specific songs, or can they perform from their own repertoire?  (first dance, father-daughter dance etc)
Am I willing to pay a deposit?
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