WAMPA - William Aberhart Music Parents' Assoc
Find out more about William Aberhart High School's award-winning music program!  Be on our "new parent list" for information around music schedule, meetings, costs involved and start-up in the fall!
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Email *
My student will begin in the Aberhart Music Program in: *
My student's name is: (Last, First) *
Parent/Guardian name: (Last, First) *
Student's CBE ID number:
Student's Music Interest (check all that apply) *
Home e-mail: *
Home or cell phone: *
I have CBE Volunteer Clearance:
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Questions or comments:
I accept that personal information is collected under the authority of Alberta's Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and the School Act.  Information on this Google Form will be used by the William Aberhart Music Parents' Association for business relating to the music program.  Email will be used for music department related correspondence. *
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