An Invitation to Help Share Awareness of the Beloved Community Initiative (BCI)
As the saying goes, we want to hear from you.  It’s true.  As the Diocese of Pittsburgh continues this new collaborative effort of establishing a Beloved Community, an important step is for you to provide us your thoughts on the BCI – what you already know or need to learn; what you are doing or where you might need help; who is involved and how we might share our experiences among ourselves.  

In the process, we will learn from you. By answering the brief questions that follow, you begin a dialogue that lays the foundation for future conversations and activities, whether among individuals, as a parish, across the diocese, or involving our neighbors.   So, let’s begin…

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First, learn about The Beloved Community Initiative

Our mission:

The Beloved Community Initiative (BCI) seeks to promote the liberating and reconciling love of Jesus Christ, particularly as it relates to racial justice and reconciliation. The BCI will serve specifically to develop strategies, as informed by the gospel of Jesus Christ,our Baptismal Covenant and our diocesan mission.

The following links provide more information about the BCI:

Now, tell us about yourself:

1. First Name *
2. Last Name *
3. Parish and Town (*required)For example: St. Peter’s, Brentwood *
4. Email address *
5. “Select the statement(s) that best describes you: *
6. Please select your age group: *
7. In your own words, briefly describe your understanding of The Beloved Community.
8a. If you and/or your parish are already engaged in the "Beloved Community Initiative", describe what you are doing.
8b. If you and/or your parish are not involved yet, or you have additional ideas, tell us something you might consider doing.
9. Do you have any additional questions, concerns and/ or comments you would like to share with us?  
Thank you for your valuable time.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact The Rev. Canon Eric McIntosh, Canon for the Beloved Community Initiative, or Shahnaz Alam-Denlinger, BCI Program Coordinator, at
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