Haustönn Háskóladansins 2024
Please fill out this form to register for Fall semester classes for Háskóladansinn. After completion of this form you will have to finish your registration by paying the fee. The fee for students is 10.000kr (of any university in Iceland) and for non-students it is 15.000kr. This one fee includes all the classes and events for the semester. This can be paid by paying in cash at one of our classes or by transferring the fee to account #: 0338-13-221320 and kt: 480208-0720. You will not be considered fully registered until we have received payment from you. The last day for registration is 22/9.
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Name (first and last):
Kennitala (if you do not have a kt fill in N/A):
Are you a student at a university in Iceland?
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Which university?
Which classes do you plan on attending?
Any other questions/comments?
Private Facebook Group
Once you have completed your registration we have made a private Facebook group called "Háskóladansinn Fall 2024" for members. Here, we will post videos from class, invites for members only events, and other stuff. You will receive an invite to join at the email you entered above.
To finish this form hit submit below, but you will not be considered fully registered until we receive the semester fee from you. To repeat: the fee for students is 10.000kr (of any university in Iceland) and for non-students it is 15.000kr. This can be paid by paying in cash at one of our classes or by transferring the fee to account #: 0338-13-221320 and kt: 480208-0720. The last day for registration is 22/9. 
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