Social 76 Sign-up:  American Legion Post 76


We're thrilled to invite you to be a part of our exclusive community. By signing up, you'll stay in the loop about all our upcoming social gatherings, parties, and get-togethers that promise unforgettable memories and great times.

🎉 Why Join Our Social 76 Sign-up List? 🎉

  1. Early Access: As a member, you'll get the inside scoop on our upcoming events before anyone else. This means you can mark your calendar and clear your schedule in advance.

  2. Tailored Experiences: Your preferences matter! Let us know what type of events you're most interested in, and we'll do our best to curate experiences that match your tastes.

  3. Exclusive Invitations: Some events might have limited spots, and our community members will be the first to receive invitations. Don't miss out on being a part of these exclusive gatherings.

  4. Connect and Network: Our events are more than just fun; they're an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, expand your social circle, and forge new friendships.

Ready to join in on the fun? Signing up is easy! Just provide us with a few details to get started.

We can't wait to have you as a part of our Social 76 Community. Let's make some incredible memories together!

*By completing this form, you authorize the American Legion Post 76 to send you email and/or text messages about upcoming events.  This list will NOT be shared with anyone, and you will NEVER be asked for money.  If you would like to be removed from the list, please send email to

Email *
Have you or any of your family members served in the US military? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Telephone Number (Optional)
Do you have an idea for an event that would be fun to attend - let us know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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