Event Inquiry
Thank you for your interest in holding an event at Prairie Falls Golf Club! Please fill out this form to give us more details of your vision so we can move forward in the planning process.
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Contact Person *
Please provide the full name for the person in charge of coordinating your event.
Contact Email *
Please provide the email address for the person in charge of coordinating your event.
Contact Phone *
Please provide the phone number for the person in charge of coordinating your event. 
Do you have a date in mind for your event? *
Your date selected below is not guaranteed until we confirm your date is available and receive your deposit with a signed contract. If you are unsure what date, please give an estimated day in the month you're interested in.
How many attendees do you estimate? *
What time of day would you like hold your event?
What kind of event are you holding?
Clear selection
Will food and/or drink be served during your event?
Clear selection
Will alcohol be served during your event?
Clear selection
Will you need tables for your event?
Clear selection
Will you need chairs for your event?
Clear selection
Does your event have a theme?
If yes, please describe your vision.
Please select the following that are necessary for your event
How did you hear about us?
Final Details, Comments & Questions
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