Training_United for Diversity and Inclusion
Registration form
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Name *
As witten in your ID or passport.
Surname *
As written in your ID or passport.
Name you want to be called during the seminar
E-mail *
Gender *
Country of residence *
Age *
Full home address (address, post code, city, country) *
Where will you travel from? City, Country *
Telephone number *
With country code (eg. 0030)
Facebook account
Before the start of the training course, the coordinators of the project will create a close facebook group. All participants, as well as the trainers, will be invited to participate. The aim of the group is to provide a easy chanel of communication during and a way to keep in touch after the TC.
Do you have any experience in youth work? Are you part of an organisation? Have you taken part in a similar project? *
Why do you want to take part in this project? What is your motivation? *
Anything else you would like to say?
 Please take note of the following conditions that apply to selected participants of this youth exchange and confirm your consent:

1. I commit myself to participate in the whole process, including:

 • to prepare myself carefully for the seminar and to do all remote preparation work the team will ask for,
 • to take part in the full duration of the project,
 • to participate in the whole evaluation process.

2. I am aware that obtaining a health and a full travel insurance are my own responsibility and at my own expenses, in case I am willing to. I understand that the information I provided on my special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health.

3. I authorise the European Commission, the National Agency of Erasmus+ Youth in Greece and United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.) to publish, in whatever form and by whatever medium, including the Internet, pictures or other materials that might be produced during the project. (in case I have any objections, I will inform the organisation accordingly)

4. I authorise United Societies of Balkans to receive my personal data, transfer and process them for the implementation and reporting of the project according to the rules of the Erasmus+ programme and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679. My personal data will be kept in encrypted way in the premises of the organisation and shall not be transmitted without my consent elsewhere.
I give my consent  and agree with the declaration *
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