WMS Parent Signature Sheet
Please read all of the following items carefully.  Please answer YES or NO for each of the following items. Then sign your name below. This electronic signature and that of your child will cover all the items listed.
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Student Name *
Student Grade *
Student Handbook:  Our signatures below show only that we received a copy of the Handbook or we have been told that it may be accessed online. *
School-Parent Compact:  I have received a copy of the school-parent compact, and I take responsibility for my child. *
Traffic Control: My signature shows that I have heard the traffic control guidelines *
School Insurance:  I want to take school insurance for my child. *
Field Trips:  I give permission for my child to take usual school trips, such as music events, class trips, etc., (without being notified every time). *
Text Books:  My child and I assume responsibility for textbooks issued by the school.  These must be returned or paid for at the end of the year. *
Video & Cameras:  My child may be photographed or videotaped as a part of the normal school day, for the yearbook, or in preparation for a report, presentation, etc.  I also know that cameras are used in the school, on campus and on the busses for the safety of my child. *
School Pictures: My child may have a picture made for the yearbook *
School Bus:  We understand that all school rules of conduct apply to the school buses and bus stops.  Suspension or loss of bus privileges may be imposed for violations. *
Medicaid Release Form:  If your child is covered by Medicaid, you must complete the form.  If not covered, write the child's name and check no on the form. Our response below shows that we received a copy of the Medicaid Release Form. *
Parent signature *
Student signature *
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