Let's begin mentoring 30.oct - 8.nov
During project "Let''s begin mentoring" we will explore mentoring as a tool to create meaningful connections and relationships in between youth workers and youngsters. You will discover different approaches and tools  that will support your path to becoming a mentor. 

Before filling the application form, please, make sure that:
- You are free to travel and fully participate in this project
- You have carefully read the info pack of the project
In case of questions contact us:  mentoring.youth23@gmail.com

The training course will happen in Latvia in 1h drive from the capital of Riga, from 30th of October, 2023 until 8th of November, 2023, and will gather participants from Latvia, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria and Spain (no age limit).
Arrival date 30th of October
Departure date 8th of November

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I give my consent for the organisers to handle my information supplied below for the purposes of this event. *
Name *
Surname *
Your email *
Country of residence *
Age *
Sex *
Phone number (with country code) *
What is your level of speaking and understanding English? *
Introduce YOURSELF shortly (max 100 words) *
Do you represent a Youth Organization? (if so, please write it's name and tell in few words what you do there)
Why do you want to be a part of "Let's begin mentoring"? What do you hope to gain from this program? *
Describe your experience in Youth Work or other type of social work, how do you imagine this project will benefit your work?
How are you planning to share what you have learned with others? What activity, event or other contribution could you make to share what you learned during this trainings course?
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