Edgewood Elementary Social Responsibility - Primary 2021/22
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I'm in grade *
Gender *
Division *
I take care of myself
I keep my hands and feet to myself at all times *
I ask for help when I need it in class *
I ask for help when I need it at recess and lunch *
I know who to go to for help if I need it in class *
I know who to go to for help if I need it at recess and lunch *
I come prepared for the school day *
Example. Lunch, proper clothing, school supplies, etc.
I know when I am ready to learn *
Example. Calm, focused, positive feeling, etc.
I can use strategies to calm myself when needed *
Example: deep breaths, a break, talk to someone, etc.
I take care of others
I ask others to play with me *
I treat others with kindness and respect *
I help when I see someone who is hurt or sad or alone *
I stand up for others when they are not being treated nicely by someone *
I can solve problems in peaceful ways *
I take care of this place
I use the ReThink Waste bins properly *
Ex. Paper recycling, organics, containers, & garbage
I help keep my classroom clean *
I treat books and school materials with care *
I am happy at school *
I feel safe at school *
I have friends at school *
I have an adult at school who cares about me *
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