Good Vibes Only: Press Credential Application
Thank you for your interest in covering Good Vibes Only Festival 2021!

Please designate ONE member of your outlet as the Primary Contact. This individual will be responsible for filling out the following form on behalf of EVERYONE attending Good Vibes Only as press, under your outlet. ALL credential applications for a single affiliation/outlet should be applied for under the same application.

If you are a freelance journalist, you must provide a valid assignment from a media outlet. Photographers must also provide an assignment. Spec photography, portfolio photography, and personal website photography are not valid assignments.

Please note the following:

1. All requests for media credentials MUST be submitted through this form and ALL credential applications for a single outlet should be applied for under the same application. Requests emailed in will not be accepted or approved.

2. Pre-event coverage is REQUIRED of all attending media and will be considered as part of the application process, however, it does not guarantee acceptance of your press application.

3.Only actively covering media will be considered for credentials.

6. Good Vibes Only reserves the right to deny anyone credentials for any reason.

Filling out this form does not guarantee you PRESS credentials. All Credential requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and are NOT guaranteed. Approved outlets will be notified of their accreditation by Friday, October 15, 2021.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact at
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Contact Person
Each outlet MUST designate ONE member of their outlet as the main point of contact. Please provide contact person's information below.

Contact Person First and Last Name * *
Please include contact person first and last name
Contact Person Title *
Contact Person Phone Number *
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