BFCC Fracture - Registry
Within the framework of the EU Project Baltic Fracture Competence Center (BFCC), a fracture registry is created. Part of it is the documentation of complications. This part is called the "Core Event Set". In the pilot phase, a Delphi process is used to work out which items should be captured in it.

On one hand, the registry shall be used for clinical research purposes, but on the other hand it should also cover population-medical issues and enable retrospective product safety assurance in trauma implants.

We invite you to evaluate the "Core Event Set" of the BFCC Fracture Complication Registry. We are happy to implement any suggestions of yours.
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1 General Complications
redundant item
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary Infection
Pressure Ulcer
Cardiac Event
Central neurologic event
Acute kidney injury/ renal failure
Gastrointestinal complications
Other general complications
Items we should add:
2 Implant/Prosthesis/Device complications
redundant item
Loss of correction following ORIF
Prosthesis dislocation
"Fractures adjacent to Implant/Prosthesis e.g. periprosthethic fractures, periimplant fracture
Implant/ Prosthesis loosening
Implant/ Prosthesis migration
Implant/ Prosthesis breakage
Implant/ Prosthesis exposure
Implant/ Prosthesis bending
Secondary dislocation of Implant/ Prosthesis from initial location
Problems related to tools and packaging
Other complications with Implants/ Prosthesis or devices
Items we should add:
3 Osteochondral complications
redundant item
Delayed union (abscence of bone healing)
Non Union (abscence of bone union) including pseudarthrosis
Joint effusion
Secondary dislocation of bone ends/fragments
Intraoperative complication on bone and cartilage
Bone necrosis
Bone deformity (growth related)
symptomatic Heterotopic Ossification (>Brooker 2 *1)
Other complications of bones and cartilage
Items we should add:
4 Disabilities/ Pain
Limb length discrepancy
Rotational axis deformation >5°
All other axis deformations >10°
Rest pain
Pain when using limb
Neuralgia in wound region / Scar pain
Reduced range of joint motion 10-30°
Reduced range of joint motion >30°
Motoric dysfunction following treatment
Other disabilities/ pain
Items we should add:
5 Neurologic complications
Nerve Lesion
Complex regional pain syndrome
Items we should add:
6 Vascular complications
Arterial Vascular lesion
Venous Vascular lesion
Haemorrhage from wound
Secondary haemorrhage from wound
Other vascular complications
Items we should add:
7 Local infection-surgical
Implant infection
Periprosthetic infection
Bone infection, osteomyelitis, osteitis
Pin tract inflammation
Deep Wound infection below fascia
Other local infections
Items we should add:
8 Superficial soft tissue complications
Wound seroma
Wound necrosis
Skin wound dehiscence
Lymph leakage from wound/ Fistula
Thermal damage of skin (burn)
Subcutaneous emphysema
Allergic/contact dermatitis
Complications with drains
Other wound complications
Items we should add:
9 Deep soft Tissues complications
Wound hematoma
Fascia/aponeurosis dehiscence
Partial necrosis of tissue flap
Foreign body in wound
Compartment Syndrome
Dehiscence of tendon or ligament suture
Other complications of muscles and tendons
Other soft tissue complications
Items we should add:
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