Registration for the ALI Conference 11th June 2022
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Email *
Sign up below and you will receive a reminder closer to the date and the link to connect on the day of the conference.
Conference Programme/ Programme de la conférence
Name/Nom *
country of residence/ Pays de résidence *
School or institution/ école ou organisation
What sessions will you attend/ A quelles séances assisterez-vous? *
What schools or teachers would you like us to invite? Provide us with their contact/Quelles écoles ou enseignants souhaiteriez-vous que nous invitions à cette conférence? Merci de nous communiquer leur email.
Would you consider sponsoring our conference to support our educational projects in Africa? Souhaiteriez-vous sponsoriser notre conférence pour soutenir nos projets éducatifs sur le continent africain? *
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