Pride Festival Volunteers

It takes a LOT of volunteers to put together a safe, positive and inclusive C-Pride Festival!

This year’s festival will be June 29, 2024.

Unless otherwise indicated, you are signing up for a minimum 4 hour shift. You must be 18 years of age and have a valid I.D. to volunteer. 

What our volunteers get:

  • Be part of a positive and inclusive movement
  • Community connection
  • A C-Pride Pride volunteer t-shirt
  • One Free ticket for 4 hours of volinteer work
  • Exclusive invite to our volunteer appreciation party
  • Volunteer appreciation packages for those with more then six hours of volinteer time.
Note: Festival Volunteer T-Shirts are only to be worn during your assigned shift.
Email *

As a C-Pride Festival volunteer, you will be assigned a specific volunteer shift and duties by your Supervisor. In addition to the responsibilities pertaining to your volunteer assignment, all C-Pride Festival volunteers must adhere to the code of conduct detailed below.

As a C-Pride Festival volunteer, I agree to:

Show up for my assigned volunteer shift (sign in is at the left hand corner of the building) at least 30 minutes to one hour before your shift begins.

Report to my assigned area after sign in

Remain in my assigned role during the entire shift (with the exception of meal and bathroom breaks), unless otherwise advised by festival staff

Conduct myself in a respectful, ethical, and appropriate manner at all times while dealing with C-Pride staff, volunteers, entertainers, vendors, and attendees

Additionally, to the extent not covered by insurance, I agree to hold harmless C-Pride Inc., festival organizers and the Wilma Rodaloh Event Center from any and all claims, actions, or damage relating to or arising out of any intentional wrongful act that I may commit outside the scope of my assigned duties as a volunteer.

By submitting this application, you agree that you support the C-Pride's Vision, Mission, and Values.

C-Pride volunteers are expected to:

Respect the gender identity, sexual orientation and gender expression of all people.
Commit to the shifts they have selected and confirmed.
Show up to their shift on time, and to fulfill their role to the best of their ability.
Be kind, respectful and have a lot of fun!

We do not tolerate harassment of any kind (including but not limited harassment based on gender, race, immigration status, religion, different abilities, sexual preference, etc). Depending on its severity, a harassment complaint will result in a reprimand and warning, or immediate termination of the volunteer.

First and last name *
Preferred name *
Preferred Pronouns *
Volunteers can be expected to do anything from helping with decorations, assisting visitors, making sales at the stands, handing out posters and booklets, looking after performers and guests, and much more. Many of them also contribute as the helping hands of the production team. Together, we will make sure everyone will come out, have some fun, and C-PRIDE in CLARKSVILLE!!!

Email *
Address *
Phone number *
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