E-Ship Bootcamp
We're thrilled you're looking to begin your entrepreneurial adventure! In order to apply, this form should be filled out with the participant's data. We will let you know if you have been accepted within 3 business days.

The two timeframes possible for the Bootcamp are:

Tuesdays & Thursdays, from 4:00 - 6:30PM. Fall session runs from October 1st - October 24th.
Saturdays, from 9:00 - 2:00PM. Fall session runs from October 5th - October 26th.**
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Participant Information
Name of the participant *
Age of the participant *
Telephone number *
E-mail *
E-ship Bootcamp
How did you hear about the E-Ship Bootcamp? *
**If an Acton Student referred you, what is their full name?
I would like to *
Top Preference (#1)
Second Preference (#2)
Does not work for me
Tuesday & Thursday, from 4:00 - 6:30PM
Saturdays, from 9AM - 2:00PM
Why are you interested in the E-Ship Bootcamp? *
What do you want to achieve by participating in the E-Ship Bootcamp? *
What does entrepreneurship mean to you? *
What entrepreneur do you admire and why? *
In order to participate in the E-Ship Bootcamp, I will commit to:
1. Attend and participate in all the classes. If I cannot attend, I commit to making up the deliverable for the next class.
2. Turn in all deliverables. I understand that if I do not turn in all the deliverables, I may not be eligible to participate in Acton's Young Entrepreneur Fair in November.
3. Make the corresponding payment by Friday, Sept 28th.
Emergency Contact information
NAME - Emergency Contact *
TELEPHONE NUMBER - Emergency Contact *
Thank you for applying.
We will review your application and will send you an email if it was accepted.
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