GPC Whatsapp Broadcast — Sign Up
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As this is only a one-way broadcast messaging service, replies will not be responded to — except for unsubscribe requests.

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E.g. Local: 9876 5432  |  Foreign: +61 987 654 321
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Are you a member of GPC? If unsure, select "No".
Personal Data Protection Act *
By interacting with, submitting information to or signing up for any activity or programme organised by Glory Presbyterian Church, you agree and consent to Glory Presbyterian Church collecting, using, disclosing and sharing your personal data, for the purposes of engagement, operational planning of activities and programmes, as well as communication of events and church related information and ministries. Glory Presbyterian Church respects the right of individuals to protect their personal data and privacy, and will only share such information with third parties on a required basis.  Photos and videos taken during church activities and programmes will be the property of Glory Presbyterian Church and may be used or published in its publications.  Should you wish to withdraw your consent, please write with full particulars to our Data Protection Officer: - Data Protection Officer Glory Presbyterian Church (English Office) 9 Pei Wah Avenue Singapore 597611 Tel: 6469 4761 Email:
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