Apply to join the 'Shiv Baba Services Initiative' team
This is a divine application form to become a part of the 'Shiv Baba Service' Initiative, the largest online godly service platform.
➥This is a big opportunity to become nimmit for Godly services, hence we will except sincere applications only.

Those souls who are living at their loukik home, and can find free time, and wishes to devote this time for world service, they can do this through our platform.
To know more about Shiv Baba Service Initiative, visit

To get the list of services done under this initiative, visit ➤

'Brahma Kumaris' main and official website is OR (redirects)

Manager, The "Shiv Baba Services Initiative"
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Full name *
Email Address *
Region of Residence *
Select the region of your residence from below Drop down menu.
How many years since in Gyan? (आप कितने साल से ज्ञान में हो?) *
Since how many years are you in Gyan (in contact with Brahma Kumaris/ time since you took the 7 days course)?
Body's Age group *
Asked because this helps us to decide the service you can best do.
Languages you know (भाषा जो आप जानते हो) *
Tell us which language/s you know and can read / type / speak?
Choose a Service
Sitting at home, you can do many services via internet.
✿NOTE: For all below-mentioned service, you will need a PC/laptop, and good speed internet.
(You can select more than 1 services, but only if you are sure about them)

*For ''email responding'', we need a Gyani soul who is very responsible and can answer to questions very well, in both English and Hindi.
Select a service you can do. *
If OTHER is selected above, tell us (in brief), what you wish to do and how?
How many hours per day can you give? *
More about Yourself *
Write in brief, more about yourself which can help us to decide which service to provide you. You can discuss if you have an experience of computer (IT) like writing articles, making PPT presentation, website management, developing mobile apps, coding, editing videos, animations, etc.
Final Note
As you submit this form, you apply to become a member of the ''Shiv Baba Services Initiative'' for godly services. 'If you are selected, we will email you with a Welcome Note.'
Then according to your service, we will remain in contact to guide you. Note: It can take few days/weeks to get an email from us.

➤If you are very much willing to take a service, email us directly to with email subject "Godly Service" (emailing us will speed up the process)
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