Gulistan News J&K Assembly Elections Survey
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Which political party do you plan to vote for in the upcoming Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections? *
How satisfied are you with the current political leadership in Jammu and Kashmir?
Do you believe that the revocation of Article 370 has benefited Jammu and Kashmir?
What is the most pressing issue facing Jammu and Kashmir today?
How do you rate the government's efforts in handling security issues in the region?
Are you in favor of lifting the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from the region?
Do you think the current government has done enough to improve infrastructure in Jammu and Kashmir?
How do you assess the employment opportunities in Jammu and Kashmir?
What should be the priority for the next government in Jammu and Kashmir?
Do you feel that the current electoral process adequately represents the will of the people in Jammu and Kashmir?
How important is it for you that the next government represents both Jammu and Kashmir regions equally?
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