Why Not Now? Guest Pitch Form
Thanks for reaching out and for your interest! Please use this form to tell us more about who you are and why you'd be a great guest. If we feel like you, or your client, is a good fit for the show we will reach out directly to schedule an interview. Please don't email asking if we received the form (we don't answer those, sorry), or submit this form if you are just looking to promote a book or a business. We receive a lot of interview requests, and we'd love to respond to them all, but if you don't hear back from us it just means that either we are fully scheduled out or the guest isn't a fit for the show right now. Thanks for understanding.
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Email *
Your name? *
Name of guest being pitched? *
What makes you/your client a great fit for the show? *
Do you listen to the Why Not Now? Show? *
If yes, what is your favorite episode and why?
Link to Website: *
Link to Instagram: *
Link to Facebook: *
Link to Twitter: *
Link to another podcast you've been on, or interview you've done: *
Anything else you'd like us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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