Autumn MIST 2024 Abstract Submission
Autumn MIST 2024 will be held on Friday 29th November at "The Exchange" in Birmingham (10 minutes walk from Birmingham New Street Station) This will be a hybrid meeting with online options available. Venue information is available here:

Posters will be presented in person and available via a poster repository. 

Please submit your abstract using the form below. The submission deadline is Friday 18/10/2024. 

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Email *
First Name *
Surname *
Co-authors (Surname, Initials; ...)
Affiliation *
Professional status *
Title *
Please provide the full title of your contribution
Abstract (200 word limit) *
Please provide an abstract summary of your contribution. There is a length limit of 200 words.
Preferred format *
Please let us know if there are any times you can't present
Tweet summary
If you would like us to tweet about your presentation, please provide a 140 character summary of your abstract to be tweeted on the day. If you would like your tweet to be accompanied by a graphic, please mail it to
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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