2024 NHE Multicultural Night Family Survey
Get ready! We're planning for Newport Heights Elementary School's Multicultural Night on Friday, May 3rd!

We hope the cultures of ALL our students are represented at this event, but we need your help to make this night a success!  Please answer the following questions to help us achieve this goal.  This activity is completely optional but the more participation and representation we have, the more fun and rich the event will be!  

For any questions or concerns, please contact us at events@nhe-pta.org

Your 2024 NHE MCN Committee
E-mail *
1.  What is your cultural background?
2. We will have tables for each culture to create a display.  This display should include a tri-fold display board (we will provide) and can include pictures, drawings, and any other information you want to share.  Are you willing to share your culture with the school and host a table?

If there are multiple interested parties for one culture, all parties can work together on the design and organization of their table.
Check all that apply.
Display example

4.  Are you or your student interested in performing or any other demonstration that reflects an aspect of your culture (dance, singing, martial arts demonstration, Chinese calligraphy, stepping, etc...)?  If yes, please detail.

5.  Are you or your student connected to any community groups that would be willing to donate their time and perform at the event?  (For example, hula, martial arts, taiko, lion dance, etc...)

6.  Do you or your student have any connections to restaurants or caterers who might donate cultural foods to sample during the event?  If yes, please describe.

7.  Would you be willing to provide a dish to share samples of at the event?  If yes, please describe.
8.  There MAY be an opportunity for a student/family/faculty led fashion show.  If there is, would you be willing to participate with your own items of clothing?  If so, please describe.
Thank you for your help in making this a memorable event for all!  

So that we can reach you and coordinate for the event, please provide your contact information:

Email address: *
Phone number: *
Your student's name, grade level, and teacher: *
Any additional comments:
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