Labour-controlled Barnet Council, stop strike-breaking!
To add your name to this letter to Barry Rawlings, Labour leader of Barnet council, use the form below.


Dear Cllr Rawlings,

We are writing to you as Leader of Barnet Council to urge you to terminate the use of the recruitment agency Imperium Solutions and to sit down with UNISON and end this dispute.

Barnet UNISON mental health social workers have been on strike for 54 days over a ten-month period. They are currently on a nine-week strike ending on Friday 12 July.

On Friday 17 May 2024, in an email to all staff, a senior council officer acting on behalf of Labour controlled Barnet Council announced that they were going to employ social workers to carry out work which would normally be done by our strikers.

UNISON swiftly wrote to Barnet Council warning it UNISON believed that:

“should LBB procure strike cover as described in this letter, it would be procuring the services of an employment business, Regulation 7 of the Regulations would be breached and a criminal offence would be committed under the Employment Agencies Act 1973. As explained above, this would likely also mean a number of ancillary criminal offences are committed by LBB.”

UNISON also wrote to Imperium Solutions ( asking them to pull out of their contract with Barnet Council.

However, as of 5 June 2024, Imperium Solutions are still providing social workers to break our lawful strike action.

We are now in a General Election and The Labour Party has consulted trade unions over their policy called: Delivering A New Deal for Working People. This is an extract:

“The rules around agency workers in breaking strikes were condemned by industry and put the safety of the public and workers at risk. It places unnecessary red tape on trade union activity that work against their core role of negotiation and dispute resolution. Over the past 14 years, the Conservatives have consistently attacked rights at work, including through the Trade Union Act 2016, the Minimum Service Levels (Strikes) Bill and the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses (Amendment) Regulations 2022 – all of which Labour will repeal to give trade unions the freedom to organise, represent and negotiate on behalf of their workers.“

The actions of your senior officers are at odds with the above policy.

There is no place across the trade union movement for use of agency workers to break strikes. As the Leader of Labour controlled Barnet Council, we are asking you to urgently stand down the recruitment agency and enter into talks with UNISON. 



John Burgess          Barnet UNISON

Sacha Ismail           Member of Unison and the Fire Brigades Union in London Fire Brigade

Nick Ruff       Branch Chair Kirklees Unison

Phil Byrne UNISON retired member

Bill Kaye       Harringay and Barnet Unite Community

Helen Davies           Branch Chair Barnet UNISON

Karen Reissmann    Unison GMMH

John McLoughlin     Retired Members Secretary, Tower Hamlets UNISON

Glen Williams          Sefton Local Government

Michael Walford       Stoke-on-Trent Unison rep & international officer

Samantha Evans     UNISON - Secretary, Young Members Cymru 

Ed Whitby     UNISON NEC and National Local Govt Committee, Northern Region and Newcastle City UNISON

Hanna English         Bolton unison

Liz Wheatley Camden UNISON Branch Secretary, UNISON National Executive Council

Joe hale                  Unison swansea health

Tony robertson        Barnet Unison repairs

Libby Nolan             UNISON

Cath Davis              Holding branch

Kevin Corran           UNISON Gtr Manchester Mental Health ( NEC rep)

Derek Fraser           NEU Manchester school based Representative

Holly Kal-Weiss       NEU, Unite

Kofi Antwi                Striker

Steve Mckenzie       Unite Greenwich, Lewisham and Bexley Community branch

Robert Behan          NEU Rep Newham Sixth Form College

Sjaan Heemskerk    Unison Essex. Lgbtq+ branch officer

Mike Griffin   Central and West London Healthcare - Treasurer (personal capacity)

Anita West    Striker

Ben Jackson Branch Secretary Greater Manchester Mental Health UNISON Branch

Fred Leplat   UNISON

Ian Hodson   BFAWU National President

Miranda Crawford    Medway Health Branch chair/Rep/ETD

Linda Benjamin       Barnet resident

Mark Findlay Retired Unite member


Jane Bassett NEU

Tony Pierre   CNTW/Retired

Ben Samuel Unite LE1111

Anju Paul      Union rep and SGE

Inbar Tamari  Hackney NEU

Gabby Lawler UNISON Branch Secretary

Sasha Simic Shop Steward USDAW C133 Central Books branch

Rana Aria      H&F Unison, Rep, Branch Comms & Equality Officer

Jon Woods    Portsmouth City UNISON Branch Secretary

Karen Buckley Greater Manchester Mental Health Branch - Assistant Branch Secretary

Mike Vaughan Staffordshire General Branch Secretary

Lorna Hood   Unison Swansea Bay Health assistant Branch Sec

Claire Wormald UNISON Southend local government. Branch secretary

Shazziah Rock
UNISON Sandwell General Branch Branch Chair and Equalities Officer and Workplace Convener

Vicki Morris    University of Nottingham UNISON

Mohamed Abanur    UNISON Health & Safety Rep for Capita CSG

Rebecca Townesend          Unison steward and publicity officer (job share) Leeds Unison

Clive Shakespeare Sandwell unison, retired member

Dan Maguire Unite member

David Hughes          Birmingham Branch Officer and Local Government Service Group Executive

John ingleson          UNISON LTHT Branch Chair

David Robertson      Leeds UNISON LG Retired member

Tom Smith    ASLEF / Leeds Branch / Assistant Branch Secretary, District 4 Branch Delegate

Julie Forgan  Unison York City Branch Environmental Officer and NEC

Tirza Waisel  SWU, Community

Lora Miller-Jones     West Suffolk Council

Jim Knight     UNISON Yorks and North East Environment Agency

Ann Shakespeare    Dudley and Walsall unison health, retired member

Eleni Loukopoulou   UCU

Sonay Kuruovali      Assistant support worker  Barnet

N. Tsaparis    Barnet Unison

Des Barrow   Hackney NEU President

Nancy Perrin Hackney NEU

John McGrory PCS Leeds & District Revenue & Customs Branch

Helen O'Sullivan      Unison - Cardiff County branch, Deputy branch secretary

Janette Evans         Unite community

Pablo Phillips Joint. District and Branch secretary

Vernetta O'Loughlin Equalities Officer Trafford Metropolitan Unison

Ian Townson  Unite Community

Kay Livermore (YCB)         Barnet YCB Support Worker Community Space

Patrick Hunter         Assistant Branch Secretary The Barnet Group

Tom Barker   UNISON Leicester City Branch

Paul Murphy Greenwich UNISON Communications Officer

Bev Keenan  Unite GM Community

Sarah Miller  UNISON Haringey

Patrick Knowles       Membership/International Officer - National Grid Energy Branch

Sally Griffiths UNISON nca health assistant branch secretary

Sonya Dambudzo    Barnet

Andrew Kilmister     Oxford Brookes University UCU

Rob Williams           NSSN Chair & Unite LE/1228

Kathy Hamilton        Retired teacher

Henry Fowler          Strike Map , co-founder

Rosemarie Wilson   Ucu retired member

Philip Bradley          UNITE

Elizabeth Lawrence UCU Regional Secretary Yorkshire and Humberside

Olly              Unite / IWW

David Ball     UNISON and NEU, Barnet - school rep

Andrew "Ozzy" Osborne    Unite LE/7355E Cambridge Engineering Branch secretary

Paula Dunne NUJ Oxford & District Branch, Social Media & Comms for Oxford & District Trades Council

J Huntley               

Andrea Egan UNISON Bolton LG

Marie Martin NEU rep

Cathy Crowther Unite Community

Sarah Byrne  NEU  Hackney Health and Safety Officer

Nick Marro    UWU

Kyle Griffiths Unite offshore fabric maintenance Branch sc/156 Shop steward/Equalities Officer

Adam Goodger        NEU

Steve Jones CWU National Executive

Matt Bernico  GMB

Kate Edwards          RCN/NHS Workers Say NO!

Geoff Ryan   Retired UNISON Health member

Jordan Rivera UNISON branch sec and NEC

Maria Jones  NEU rep

Jim McFarlane         Dundee City UNISON Branch Secretary

Joanne Jennings     UNISON Oldham LG

Aneta Barnet UNISON Rep

David Kaplan NEU Haringey

Craig Jones  President Leicestershire NEU

Dan Smart    South Glos UNISON branch secretary

Darren Church         RMT Norwich Rep

Tyrone Falls  Unite University of Bath, Workplace Rep and Vice-Chair (pc)

Arthur Nicoll  Service & Conditions Dundee City UNISON

Dr Gen Doy  

Shirley Franklin       UCU

Gary Freeman         UNISON South Derbyshire Healthcare Retired Members Secretary (personal capacity)

Tanis Belsham-Wray          Chair Unite NE/403/15

Kevin Jackson         UNISON Berkshire Healthcare and Community Branch Secretary

Winmarie Greenland          Retired NEU Teacher , Barnet resident.

John Puntis   Doctors in Unite

Jean Thorpe  Nottingham City UNISON branch chair

Angelo Sanchez UNISON Leicestershire Health Rep

John Dolan   Unite Community Enfield branch member and Secretary of Enfield Trades Council "

Coral Jones  Unite member

Amanda Trsta          Branch Secretary

Charlene       Hackney NEU

Dave Mitchelmore   GMB retired member

John  Burrows         Socialist Party, Portsmouth; TUSC

Kay Denissen          Unite the Union

Ishret Damani          UNISON Hampshire Branch

Moe Manir     Unite Victimised Trade Unionist

Alexy King     UNISON Derby, L. Gov Branch

John Murphy Vice Chair Gtr Manchester UNITE community

Gary Braddy Unite LE/7385E Branch Secretary

Anjona Roy   West Northants LG UNISON and Secretary of Northampton and District Trades Union Council

Chris Helm             

Ekaterina Georgievska       Unite member

Flavio Fellica General Secretary, City Doctoral Researchers’ Association and UCU Member

Jayne Clarke Bolton UNISON LG Branch Retired member

Ben Singleton          Unite NEU Staff - Environment Officer

Esther Birchall         Keyworker ARMS

Sarah Jackson        Barnet resident

Andrew O’Leary      Branch Sec   UNISON Swansea Bay Healthcare

Gary Harbord          RMT.  Chair of Hillingdon Trades Council.

Carmen Tracey-Ramos      NEU Oxfordshire international officer

Roberto Pozzi         Barnet UNISON Health and Safety Rep

Ray Meen               Unite Community

Paul McGowan        National Chairperson, LGBT+ Socialists

Moyra Samuels       UNISON member: Grenfell Health and Well Being Service

Mejdi Lushi             UNISON Barnet

Ingemar.e.l.goransson        Swedish Writers Union

Anne Richardson     Union rep

Cath Lewis    Leicester City UNISON, Women’s Officer

Julie Edwards          Unite Community Manchester

John Dunn              Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign

Jacqui Lewis           UNISON NCA Health, Branch Secretary

Kate Williams          UNISON Wirral LG

Rachel Nolan           Socialist party member (tusc candidate in local elections for Baffins, Portsmouth 2024)

Geoff Taylor TEFL Workers’ Union (IWW) / UCU Southern Retired branch

Jane Doolan  Branch Secretary Islington UNISON

George Binette UNISON/Camden Local Government, former branch secretary, chair of retired members comm

V. Powell       YCB

Lois Founds  Wirral UNISON

Linda Ingram UNISON Ceredigiom (retired)

Hilda Palmer Unite/ 6 389 Hazards Campaign

Fiona Monkman      Branch Chair Islington UNISON

Mattia Narciso         Housing Options Steward

Julie Love               UNISON health & safety officer

Peter Blackman       NEU Ealing -Assistant Headteacher

Janet Newsham       Hazards Campaign Chair / Coordinator Greater Manchester Hazards Centre

Teige Matthews-Palmer      University and College Union.

Siobhan Tierney      Unison member & NHS worker

Paul Kershaw          Unite / LE1111 (housing workers) Chair

Sarah Littlewood      Hull Local Government Branch

Hugh Jordan           Barnet UNISON Branch Health & Safety Officer

Gawain Little           General Secretary, General Federation of Trade Unions

Jeffrey Till               CWU

Damien Frettsome   Branch Secretary, City University UNISON Branch

John Stuttle  Father of the Chapel, Unite at the Guardian and Observer

David Oladele          Unite Housing Workers Branch LE1111

Bill Smith      Chair Alice Arnold Unite Community Coventry and Warwickshire. Retired NEU

Mira Glavardanov    Unite Community

Jill Pack        Haringey & Barnet Unite Community

Adrian Kennett Branch secretary Hull City Branch

Terry Morgan Radical Poster Collective

Jakub Kozlowski      Street Scene Convenor / Health & Safety Rep Barnet Unison

Priya Khatun Striker

Sam Kelly     NUJ

Rabbi Jeffrey Newman Barnet resident

Tony Cisse    Branch Treasurer Lewisham UNISON local government

James Robinson     Knowsley UNISON

Neil Rogall    UCU London Retired

Karen Kiil      St James Church New Barnet

Liz James     Barnet Unison

Paula Carlyle Knowsley UNISON

Léo Karran    Unison, Sheffield community health, young member and labour link officer.

Beverley Berrick Assistant Branch Secretary for Schools Barnet UNISON.

 Dave Wadcock UNISON retired member former AMHP 

Swansea Unison branch young members officer

Laura Alvarado       

Alan Cunningham    Unison North Lanarkshire, Steward

Pamela Bayman      Volunteer and concerned family member of sometimes user of the service

Robert Bayman                

Madelaine Sommers          UNITE member

Oscar Belmonte      Unite SE/6246

Kate Howlin             NEU

Jo Turner                Unite community

Ana Castano           UCU member

William Lim             Cooperation Town

Tim Cooper             Nottingham East CLP TULO

Katie Swanson        Social Worker & Barnet UNISON Member

Hafso Omar Ali                 

Mick Calvert           Huddersfield Community branch Secretary

Simon Hewitt           UCU, Leeds

Lucy Cox                Brent NEU

Ian Clements           "Unite Housing Workers Branch LE1111Chair Hounslow Trades Union Council"

Antony Randall        Unison steward Libraries

Ron Cohen             Local resident and CWU member

Kerie Anne              Branch Secretary Tower Hamlets UNISON

Sherril Johnston      Barnet Unison Health & Safety Rep

Shahid Anees Chaudri

Joseph Larkin          IWGB member.

Jacqui Jones Barnet UNISON rep.

John McDonnell      UNISON

Stuart Jordan East London Mental Health Unite H&S rep

Morag Gillie            Chair of Homes for All UK

Hassan Ortega        Chair UNISON Salford City Branch

Theresa Rollinson   Former 90days Care UK striker

Sheila McGregor     NEU retired member

Dean Ryan: Islington Unison shop steward

Julia Mountain Unite Community

Declan Clune Southampton & South West Hampshire Trades Union Council. Secretary

Steve North   Vice President, UNISON

Lorna Solomon UNISON member (Homerton Hospital)

Jenna Hunter Barnet

Francesca Venting            

Peter louis     Barnet supervisor

Michelle Burke Unite

Chris Rooney Unison retired member.

Josie Ryan             

Abraham Bickersteth Barnet Unison Housing Rep

Dan Sartin    UNISON

Nathalie Birkett        Unison NEC

Joanne Tapper        UCL UNISON Branch Secretary and National Executive Council

Emma Omijie unison cvob member/ community link worker/  and  supported by barnet MHSW as a disabled resident.

Karen Campbell       Health & Safety Rep Barnet Unison

Mandy Buckley        Unison Birmingham Local Government Branch

Christine Collins      Unison LG Bolton assistant secretary

Joe Finlayson          Unite

Mark Fisher             UNISON

Said             Local activist with anti-imperialist front london

Vincent Charles       Unison Bedfordshire Health Care.

Tareq Khamis          Unite

Elaine Jones           UNISON branch secretary and UNISON NEC

Jon Berry      Former Secretary Herts NUT. Former Secretary UCU University of Hertfordshire

Hayley lynch

Lyn Marie O'Hara    UNISON NEC

Lord John Hendy KC                  

Helen Gleeson        Middlesex University UCU

Nikki Osborne         UNISON Hull Convenor

Chris Brownhill                 

Joe McCluskey        Secretary North Staffs Trades Council

S Jordan       Unite member

Julia Mwaluke         Unison Vice-President

Amanda Brown        Unison Dorset Branch

Matthew Ratcliffe     UNISON Hillingdon LG

Karen Bainbridge     School steward Essex

Helen Grisdale        Retired - was a member of PCS

Maggi Myland          Barnet UNISON

Dave Holes   Unite Community

Sara Evans   Unison Welfare Officer

Graeme Johnson     Unite (retired)

Gordon White          Ex NEU County Secretary

Adam Colclough     

Dave Barnes           TSSA Network Rail London South Branch Chair

Vic Goodwin            Assistant Secretary Staffordshire National Education Union

Dodie Ritman          Unite Community Branch. Manchester

Mejdi Lushi             Barnet UNISON

Diane Fraser           Southend

Margaret Remana   Goldsmiths UCU co-president

Alison Hann            UNISON - Bristol LG

Janet worth             Ex unison branch secretary retired

Ann Joss                 Regional Organiser RMT

Mark Sage              UNISON Portsmouth City Branch International Officer

Helen Alford            Barnet Unison - retired social worker/AMHP

Roger Bannister      Knowsley

Roger Hutt    Unison

Khalid Sidahmed     UNITE Equality Officer

Louise McDermott   Unison LG branch

Jackie Lederer        Unite Community Portsmouth and District Branch Secretary

Neil Vince     Unite the Union

Sasha Kaplin           Psychotherapy & Counselling Unionr

Frazier Stroud         Barnet Unison.

Valerie Bossman-Quarshie Former Equalities Officer [Barnet UNISON Branch]

Nilofer Alauddin       PCS

Kait Duerden           UNITE

caroline Powls         Brent Unison

Marc Scheimann     Unite Disability Rep

Tom Walker   CWU Branch Secretary Northern Home Counties Postal Branch

Tanya Tomlin Barnet UNISON

Ellen Carter   Barnet resident

Katherine Benford   Barnet Unison rep

Sarah Bourne          Unison retired member and local resident

Shereen Taha          Barnet UNISON

Justine Canady       Unison Lewisham Local Government.

Eileen Marginson              

Janet  Leifer  Barnet  resident

Mark Inch               

Lesley Spillard         Retired member, Unite

Pam Wortley           Unite

Samantha Mason    GMB

Pam Lockie   Retired SW

Alan Wylie     Islington Unison

Anna Livingstone     Barts Health Unite treasurer

Christopher Blount   Sheffield Solidarity Group

Emily Fawcus          UCU, Retired Member

Ollie Creed    Newham

Noeleen Grattan      Unison Retired Member Haringey

Elizabeth Smith       Barnet Resident

Kingsley Abrams     Chair, Unite London Area Activists Committee

Carmel Cadden       Unite Community -Haringey & Barnet - environment officer

Noah Birksted-Breen Queen Mary University of London UCU

Parus Shah   IWGB

Nic Lee                  

Connor Rothwell      NEU Manchester

Liz Thomasson        UNISON M.H Soc Worker. North Yorkshire Council

Brad Grisdale          UCU

Louis Smyth  Retired union member. Labour Party member. (Islington)  -

Pat Jones Former lead steward, adult social work, Kirklees Unison

Chris Parkinson CWU

Kieran James Paterson      UNISON GLR YMF – Chair UNISON NYMF - Equalities Officer,Southgate & Wood Green CLP - Joint Trade Union Liaison Officer"

Matthew Lee UCL UNISON, Young Members' Officer

Suddaf Awan Unison member

Sam Barry    Education officer and Convenor. Salford city Unison.

Nathan Godfrey Salford City Unison

Victoria Key UNISON Salford City Branch - Housing Options Representative

Richard Holland Salford City Unison

Ameen Hadi  Equalities Officer, Salford City Unison

Lisa Millar     Salford Assistant branch Secretary

Sarah Roelofs Berwick Trades Councl Secretary

Simon fox     Treasurer, Salford City unison

Josie Tothill   CaSWO and Unite

Stephen Omisa       Barnet unison

Sandra Carney        Barnet Unison Member

Clementina Labinjo  Barnet UNISON Steward

Wendy Roach          Barnet Unison

Daniel stringer         Unison member barnet

Karen Blackwell       Unison member, Hammersmith & Fulham

Ruth Nyman            UNISON/Barnet LG/Volunteer Administrator

Zoya Economou      Unison

Nimisha Trivedi        Carmarthenshire Unison

Tom Fisher    Unite

Kerry Wade   Salford City UNISON Branch Women's Officer; Supported Housing Steward

Bahir Laattoe Barnet Trades Council and NEU

Susan Olech USDAW H088 Chair

Angie Hudson Retired Unison member,  Barnet resident,  ex Barnet Social Work Manager.

Keith Dobie   Haringey & Barnet Unite Community Branch

AJ Le Brun    RCT Trades Union Council Branch Secretary.

Leonardo      Alvarado

Neil     Camden Unite

Mike Walsh   Barnet voter

David Lloyd   UNISON Stoke-on-Trent Local Government / Branch Secretary

Julie Lawton UNISON Staffordshire Community Health Branch

Justin Ashton  Stoke on Trent UNISON Convenor.


Giovanna Potts       UNISON

John Bolgar           Barnet Voter

Julia Veros              Carer   UVW

Corinna Edwards-Colledge  Joint Branch Secretary, Brighton and Hove UNISON

Simon Birch            UTAW

Kathleen Hall           Enfield NEU

Kirsty Morrison                 

Jane Turner            Parliamentary candidate for Wallasey (Green Party)

Maggie Fricker        Southampton UNISON health branch

Mary Sexton           Striker

Alison Bayne           Unison

Pete Webster          Unite LE/00020

Giovanna Potts       UNISON member

David Epstein          Barnet Unison Rep

Michael inness        Australian manufacturing workers union

Parus Shah             IWGB

Floyd Major             Unite the union / retired

Dan Goss               United Tech and Allied Workers Branch, CWU

Pauline Riley           Barnet unison care team leader

George Gray           PCS EFRA London & South East

Sam O'Brien           Communication Officer Rochdale UNISON LG branch

Sam Habeeb           Ealing North Candidate

Stephen Allan Beck NEU Warwickshire

Tom Bayman           Unison member

David Savage          Unison

Elizabeth Bailey       Co-chair National Young Members Forum

Tricia French           Unite

Allan Carlton           Barnet

Pete Davies            Chair Cardiff County Unison

Emma Richards       UNISON Cardiff County LG branch

Amanda Brown        Dorset

Danielle Vipond       UNISON Wirral Branch, Deputy Branch Secretary and NEC member

Pauline Riley           Barnet unison- care and support Team Leader

Martyn Madeley       Green Party Councillor, Unite Union member

Emily Perdue          Unite Cambridge University branch

Sophie Watson        UNISON Glasgow University branch chair

Paul Power             Secretary Haringey TUC

Ed Harlow               NEU - Junior VP elect - Haringey branch secretary.

Patrick Knowles       UNISON National Grid Energy Branch International/Membership Officer

Richard Bagnall-Oakeley    Psychotherapy and Counselling Union (Executive Committee member)

Neil Bland     Suffolk County Secretary deputy convenor, SGE, NJC

Eve Miller      Young Members Officer and Treasurer at UNISON George Eliot Hospital Branch

DEL SCOTT Havering Unison. Rep. health and safety rep Green rep.

Allan Newby  Barnet Unison

Holly Unwin   Mental health social worker central southampton

Nandita Lal   Independent Socialist Candidate for Tottenham

Paul Renny   Haringey UNISON Schools Convener

Annette J Jarrett      London Renter's Union

Christalla Tsattala    UNISON Steward

Caroline Lenoury     Unite LE/0334M

Zarria Phillips          Bath TUC Unite Community

Lauren Holder         NHS Clinical Lead

Ben Jackson Greater Manchester Mental Health UNISON Branch - Branch Secretary.

Dave Statham         GMB Holborn



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