Trudeau4Treason Grand Jury Registration

We are bringing back the Grand Jury for the Treasonous acts of the Liberal government!

In Canada a Grand Jury is a group of 23 people selected at random from the general population to sit on a jury that decide whether the prosecutor's evidence provides probable cause to issue an indictment. An indictment formally charges a person with committing a crime and begins the criminal prosecution process.

The jury in criminal cases has historically been regarded as the "foundation of our free institutions," Most surveys on the value of the criminal jury have supported its retention with minor changes. The Grand Jury was not "outlawed" in Canada, it simply disappeared. Let's bring it back for this very serious and important matter!

By completing this form you are agreeing to participate in the Grand Jury for Treason. The final jury selection will be made at random. The Grand jury will be conducted via hybrid meeting of in-person and Zoom. 


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By completing this form you agree to participate in the Grand Jury, should you be randomly selected from all the entrants. To participate in the Grand Jury a criminal background check is required.  Do you agree to complete a criminal background check?
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Province *
Are you 18 years or older? *
Are you a Canadian Citizen *

I am in possession of my natural faculties, of ordinary intelligence, of sound judgment, and fair character.


I am in possession of my natural faculties, of ordinary intelligence, of sound judgment, and fair character.


I understand the spoken and written English language.


You agree to participate in the hybrid, in-person and Zoom meetings.

I declare this as an electronic signature confirming the information provided is true. *
First & Last Name
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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