The IN-4-AHA twinnings are innovation exchange programs, where an innovative practice developed by an Originator institution is implemented in by Adopter organization(s).
Our main objective is to promote innovation scalability, by providing an opportunity to test and apply products/services in new geographical settings.
Solutions can range from technology based ones, to training programs and innovative management practices. As for organizations, they must hold Reference Site status.
Applications are open until the 11/03/2022. Twinnings are set to start early April 2022 and wrap up by 30/09/2022.
Please, fill out this report as thoroughly as possible, ideally without exceeding 1500 words per box. Whenever possible use bullet points and provide references for verifiable claims and results – simple links to papers, news and publications will suffice.
For more information, check out our website [].
Or contact us via email at to request a MS Word version of this application form. These submissions should be sent to the same email.