JCAC | New Student Registration
Hi! We are so excited to have you and your student/s at the Johnson City Arts Center. Please fill out this form so we have your contact information and to keep you updated on all things JCAC with our email newsletter!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Date of trial lesson (MM/DD/YY) *
What classes are your student/s interested in? *
Please indicate below what music class/es your student wants to enroll in along with the day of the week! (i.e. violin with Sarah Mondays) or N/A *
Please indicate which dance classes your student wants to enroll in or N/A. If your student is in Pre-Ballet, Ballet Basics, or Ballet 1, please indicate which lesson time/day (i.e. Pre-ballet Monday 4:15  *
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