New Project Questionnaire
Thank you for expressing interest in Project Gaia and our work. Please take a moment to fill out this questionnaire which will allow us to better assist you in setting up a project with alcohol fuels and clean cooking in your area. We ask that you try to answer all the questions to the best of your ability so we can gain the best picture about where you are currently with developing your project. Thank you!

If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to for help or a Word Document copy of this form.
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What is your full name? *
What is your email address? *
What is your academic and/or professional background? *
Are you affiliated with any organizations or businesses? If so, please list. *
What type of service from Project Gaia are you interested in? *
You may select more than one.
Where will your project be based? *
What are your goals in starting this project? *
Please describe what you have done so far to set your project up. *
Have you already reached out to potential partners? Are you producing fuel? Have you ordered or created stoves? Have you sought funding to support your project? Have you researched local feedstocks?
Is ethanol or methanol easily available in the market where you would be working? What is the cost of either? *
What are the other fuels commonly used in your market? What are their respective costs? *
Please state your interest in Project Gaia as it relates to your work. *
i.e. Stove procurement, partnership, fuel expertise, ect.
Do you have anything else you would like to mention that you think is important to your interest in working with PGI?
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