This form gives you information about Carisa Montooth and Energy Healing.
Under California law, you need to know that Carisa Montooth is not a state licensed physician or surgeon. Carisa Montooth will NOT diagnose or prescribe medicines or medical treatments for you or recommend that you discontinue legend drugs or controlled substances prescribed by an appropriately licensed practitioner. Carisa Montooth neither encourages nor discourages you from contacting a state licensed physician or surgeon.
Carisa Montooth is an ordained minister and has studied and practiced energy healing. The theory of energy healing is that the human body has energy fields that can be affected by subtle energies.
Carisa Montooth only administers energy healing to people of their own free will.
The energy treatments you will receive are not licensed by the State and are alternative or complementary to healing arts services licensed by California.
There is no guarantee that the treatments you receive will work.