The Great Ward 6 Spring Clean
It's been a long two years and spring is finally returning to Ward 6! On Saturday, April 2, let's set aside a few hours to help clean up our neighborhood, reconnect with each other, and show our streets, parks, and alleys a little love. Councilmember Allen wants to get Ward 6 neighbors stepping outside and working with their neighbors to clean up their block or alley. Our team will be set up at Eastern Market Metro Park on Friday, April 1 (no joke) to distribute garbage bags and gloves for anyone who needs them ahead of The Great Ward 6 Spring Clean.

Or, if you prefer, head to one of our five park sites where we'll organize a clean-up together -- don't worry about bringing bags or gloves unless you have some to spare, we should have plenty on-site.

Either way, if you want to show the rest of the city what Ward 6 is all about, use #GreatWard6SpringClean in your posts on social media.
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I'd like to work with my neighbors to clean-up my block or alley. Here's the block or intersection I've got covered (please include quadrant):
I'd prefer to join a clean-up at a neighborhood park. These clean-ups are happening from 9 am to 11 am.
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