Class-10 ,Light Reflection and Refraction
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Q1) The magnification of plane mirror is: *
1 point
Q2) Virtual, erect and diminished image are the characteristic features of a: *
1 point
Q3) How does the frequency of a beam of ultra-violet light change when it goes from air into glass? *
1 point
Q4) Where will the image be formed if the object is at the focus of the concave mirror? *
1 point
Q5) A convex lens has a focal length of 40 cm. Calculate its power. *
1 point
Q6) A convex lens is: *
1 point
Q7) Which type of mirror is used in ophthalmoscope to examine throat and ear? *
1 point
Q8) When two prism, one up and one down in contact receive white light. What is the colour of light that will emerge out? *
1 point
Q9) What colour will we get while mixing blue with green? *
1 point
Q10) Which colour in the visible region has the greatest speed in a optically denser medium? *
1 point
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