Volunteer Information Form
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The Project was conceived by the Generosity Committee of the Huntington Congregational Church and is in its organizational stage. The intention is to become an approved resettlement group under the guidance and auspices of IRIS, Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Service of New Haven ( If you would be interested in helping to resettle a refugee family in our region, your assistance would be most welcomed. In the spaces below, please tell us how we can contact you and what area of interest(s) you might have or a skill set you have that you might wish to offer to aid the Project.
Your Name
Community of Residence
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Volunteer Opportunities
Check the area(s) in which you would like to discuss being a volunteer:
Are there special skills or knowledge that you have that would be helpful to the Project, and that you would like to note? Please explain below:  
Please know that training is required and will be provided to all volunteers, as well as ongoing guidance. We seek to recruit both leaders and helpers in all of the task areas on page one.
If you have a question, please do not hesitate to contact one of the leadership committee members below:
VRRP Leadership :
Robert Margolies 203-400-1769
Richard Knoll 203-887-3310
Gordon Harris
Thank you.
A member of the leadership committee will contact you.
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