Central Vermont BNI Membership Application
Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. Once submitted, membership will schedule a meeting with you.
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Your full name: *
Your sponsor's name: *
Work phone number: *
Work email address: *
Business website: *
Briefly describe your business including services/goods you offer. *
How long have you been in this current business?  *

List your education, work experiences, licenses, etc., that relate to your current profession.  


Is the profession that you're describing here your primary occupation? Do you have other jobs? 


If you currently belong to other networking groups, please list below. If none, type NA. 


List a professional referral below. Include their full name, email address, phone, and your association to them. This person may or may not be contacted by membership. 


List a second professional referral below. Include their full name, email address, phone, and your association to them. This person may or may not be contacted by membership. 

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