2025 Warriors' Day Parade Contingent Registration - August 16, 2025
Participation in The Warriors' Day Parade is open to military, para-military marching contingents and bands, veterans contingents and military-themed living history/re-enactor contingents. Contingents may register in advance using this form or a manually completed pdf form available on our website at www.thewarriorsdayparade.ca Registrations will also be accepted on-site the day of the parade between 0800 hours and 1000 hours, however we encourage pre-registration to help in our planning. Be sure to refer to the parade information package for complete details available at www.thewarriorsdayparade.ca
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Contingent Name *
Address *
Apartment/Unit Number
City *
Province/State *
Postal Code - Zip *
Country *
Primary Contact Name *
Telephone Number *
Email address *
Contingent Type (choose 1 category) *
Vehicle information
If you are registering a vehicle that will be in the parade to provide a ride for Veterans, please indicate below, vehicle year, make, colour and any interesting historical information. If you know the name(s) of the Veterans that will be riding with you please provide below along with their military affiliation, involvement, etc.
Approx Number on Parade
Did this contingent participate in last year's parade?
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Will you require a Registration Number carrier?
Contingents and bands are judged in various categories of competition during the parade. Refer to the Parade Order for specific information. Each contingent/band will be issued a Registration Number Marker which is to be carried by an individual accompanying the contingent while on parade. We attempt to have enough volunteers on hand to carry the markers for the contingents, however your assistance in providing your own marker carrier is appreciated. Please indicate if you require a parade volunteer marker carrier.
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Contingent Information
Please indicate below any information about your contingent, such as anniversaries, recent trips, awards, etc. that would assist our MC in announcing your contingent
By completing and submitting this registration form I consent to the administrative use by the Canadian National Exhibition Association of my personal information which has been provided to the organizers of the annual Warriors' Day Parade and understand that the Canadian National Exhibition shall not sell or otherwise provide such information to third parties, except as may be required by law.
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