Judge Registration Form - "Beach Party" Tournament 2023
Our event will be held in person on UC Irvine's campus on January 7th and 8th.
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Name (First and Last): *
Best Email Address to reach you: *
Best Phone Number to reach you: *
Which rounds are you signing up to judge? (select all that apply)

UPDATE: We just today reached adequate volunteers for Saturday, but we are still short on judges for Rounds 3 and 4. 
Do you have a preference for being a PRESIDER (making rulings and scoring) compared to a SCORING JUDGE (scoring and giving verbal feedback at the end)? *
What is your professional background? *
Have you ever judged a college mock trial before or have any previous judging experience? Please describe your experience here: *
Please list any college mock trial teams you have competed with, coached for or been otherwise affiliated with in the past 5 years. If this does not apply, please respond "None": *
Aside from teams listed above, are there any additional college mock trial teams that you would NOT want to judge or feel you could NOT judge impartially?
Do you have any peers or colleagues who might like to judge? If so, please provide their email address so we can send them a message with details on how to sign up:
How did you hear about our event?
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