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Hello, This is Willijah --- I appreciate you taking time out of your day to listen to the podcast and fill out this form. The information captured here will allow me to create content that better serves You. 
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What topics do you want to hear more about?  Check all that apply  *
If you selected Other, what other topics would you like to hear more about?  
What is your average income *
What does a typical day look like for you *
What do you struggle with at work? *
When it comes to your health what would you love to be able to create for yourself/achieve?  *
What social media platform do you use most? Select all that apply *
What blogs/magazines/social media accounts do you follow?  *
How would you describe your personality in 5 words? How would your friends describe you:Perfectionist, drive, loyal etc. *
If you could wave a magic wand for learning more about becoming a GREAT IT leader and to make your job easier, what would you ask for?  *
Thank You so much for your time, I appreciate it! 💫 If you have other questions or would like to drop me a message or story to share on the podcast Click Here to Learn More 
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