Thank you for choosing The Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the yoga practice.

To complete your registration we ask you the following:
1. To fill out this Registration form
3. To read the General Terms & Conditions and sign it in this registration form
4. To fulfil the payment via bank transfer (we will send an invoice)

You will receive a final confirmation of participation by e-mail when we received all of the above. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
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STATEMENT : I agree to the General Terms & Conditions applicable to this training. *
FINANCIAL : Which payment method do you choose? *
Name (first & last) *
Email *
Address (street, number, postal code, city) *
Telephone number *
Emergency contact & telephone number
We would like to know about you and your motivations to join this yoga teacher training. This gives a better understanding of the group and helps us optimising the training.
How did you find out about TULA and the Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training
How long have you been practicing yoga and in which tradition/style?
Are there any major illnesses, surgeries, injuries or physical conditions from the past or present we should know about? *
Did you ever had a psychological instability or you still have it? Did you went to a psychologist or psychiatrist? If yes tell us when, please (Examples: anxiety issues, panic attack, depression, addiction) *
Are you taking any medication at the moment? *
Tell us more about your current yoga practice? (number of classes per week, home practice, etc.)
Is this your first yoga TTC or have you completed another Yoga TTC before?
Do you have any experience with teaching yoga?
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Do you have specific expectations from this training?
What do you intend to learn or work on, on a personal level?
Do you already know the teachers Moena de Jong and/or Beatrice Savaris?
First thing that comes to your mind: What does yoga mean to you?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
We are looking forward to welcoming you at The Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training. Soon you will receive an email with further details about the training and the confirmation of receiving this registration form. When you have any questions before that, don't hesitate to contact us.

TULA (Viki&Ruben)
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