Enabling Lives Initiative (ELI) Grant Mailing List       

The ELI Grant is a renewed tranche of $20 million grant that brings together the best ideas from the community of non-profit organisations, social enterprises and innovators to create scalable, impactful innovations for persons with disabilities.

Funded by Tote Board and administered by SG Enable, the grant spurs innovation to meet the needs of persons with disabilities, and pulls in the community to improve their Quality of Life. It provides resources to support the initial resource-intensive phase of embarking on projects.

Subscribe to the Enabling Lives Initiative (ELI) Grant Mailing List!

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Given Name *
Job Title *
Name of Organisation *
I am from a ... *
Company Website *
Tell us about your company *
Which type(s) of disability does your organisation focus on? *

What is the approximate size of your organisation’s clientele base?

I found out about the Enabling Lives Initiative (ELI) Grant through ... *
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By submitting your personal data in this form, you agree to:
i. Receive information, materials, and updates related to the Grant and allow the compilation and analysis of relevant statistics; ii. Receive publicity material, updates, and announcements regarding future SG Enable activities and opportunities by email; iii. Receive information, materials, and updates related to other grants. All personal information will be kept confidential and used only for the purposes stated above. Should you wish to withdraw your consent for the ELI Grant Team to contact you for the purposes stated above, you may notify us in writing at eli-grant@sgenable.sg. To help you make an informed decision, withdrawing consent will result in ELI Grant Team not sending you any more publicity material, updates, and announcements. Learn more about SG Enable's privacy policy at https://www.sgenable.sg/our-policies.
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