Initial Sign-Up Form for Trapdoor (After School) Drama and Musical Theatre sessions.
Please fill in all fields so that we can determine which sessions your child would like to attend.
Engaging and educational Drama workshops, delivered by a
passionate team, where participants will learn an array of performance
techniques through acting, devising, script work, physical theatre and
more! With the inclusion of guest workshops where participants have the
opportunity to engage in singing, dance and other areas of performing
arts, and the potential to be cast in Pink Cow's main productions throughout the year, Trapdoor is the first choice for young people in home education who
want all round performing arts tuition! Run by Pink Cow Theatre, the same team who bring you Apollo Youth Theatre, Trapdoor is run by an experienced team of workshop leaders with expertise in numerous areas of performing arts! ðŸŽ
This is not an in-depth participation form. Participation forms requesting further information including safeguarding, medical and emergency contact details will be distributed upon attendance.
Trapdoor is for children who are in formal educational settings only. If
your child is home educated and you are interested in identical
daytime sessions, please sign up for our home education project,
If you have any questions, feel free to mesage us on social media or reach out to us at :)