Barkin' Dogs Rescue
Contact: 816-898-5646
Fax: 913-964-3009
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Desired Dog's Name *
Adoption Application & Agreement
Aussie Rescue & Support

Barkin Dogs Rescue does request an adoption fee, which helps us cover some of the expenses incurred in the rescue and rehabilitation of an Australian Shepherd and other mixed breeds in need. Anything received above that amount is a tax-deductible donation, and is greatly appreciated. Again, thank you for contacting us with your interest to adopt one of our very special dogs.
Personal Information: Name *
Personal Information: Age (If under 21)
Personal Information: Street Address *
Personal Information: City *
Personal Information: State *
Personal Information: Zip Code *
Personal Information: Best Daytime Phone *
Describe yourself - your energy level, your interests, your favorite activities, etc. *
Describe your ideal dog - its energy level, personality, and level of training and special skills, etc. *
Veterinarian Reference: Do you have a current or regular veterinarian? *
Current or Future Veterinarian: Name *
Current or Future Veterinarian: Address
Current or Future Veterinarian: Phone Number *
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