Analytics Project Pitch
The Office of Performance Management and Open Data partners with City departments to help them identify and deliver data driven projects.  We are currently seeking submissions from interested departments for new projects.

(for use by City of Chattanooga employees only)
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Email *
Name *
Department *
What type of analytics project are you proposing? *
Please describe the problem, the related business or service process, and the way analytics could help in 2-3 sentences.
If the project is successful, who within the department will be required to work differently?  How significant would the change to their work be?
Please describe how the output of the project will be utilized operationally, if already known.
How critical is this project to your organization?
Least Critical
Most Critical
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How critical is this project to internal City government?
Least Critical
Most Critical
Clear selection
How critical is this project to the public?
Least Critical
Most Critical
Clear selection
How is your data? Check all that apply.
Please provide a short description of the data and its sources (who controls the data, what it covers, what system, what format, etc.).  If No, please provide a contact to discuss data accessibility.
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