FOSDEM 2013 Mono Developer Room
For the fourth year in a row, we will have a Mono Developer Room at FOSDEM (Feb 2, 2013).

Fill out this form if you want to give a talk.

We want to make this room fun, the fun-factor will be one of the primary factors when choosing the talks. Also, we'll have a flexible schedule, you can choose how much time you want. Only need 10 minutes for a short idea? No problem! Need an hour? That's fine too! As long as it's entertaining and shows the love of hacking.

First a bit about yourself, then the actual talk. Note that we have the room on Saturday.
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First a bit about yourself.
I am... *
Your name
You can email me at... *
Your e-mail address.
Background about me: *
Some extra background information, include stuff like where you live, what kind of job you do, what kind of F/OSS development you do and any other important information we should know.
How else can we reach you?
The more the better: irc nicknames, IM handles, twitter names, websites and blogs.
Now, the talk!
My talk will be titled: *
In short, my talk will be about: *
Provide a small summary (abstract) of your talk.
Why should we select your talk?
Convince (or bribe) us into accepting your awesome talk :-)
When do you want to be scheduled? (Note: we can't make any promises on this, check all or none if you don't care)
I prefer to present...
I want at least... *
Pick the shortest amount of time you would need. Some talks can be made very short, others can't. We respect that. The amount below is presentation time. There will be a short moment for questions added at the end of this.
At the most, I can fill... *
If you had all the time in the world, how long could you stretch this talk without getting boring?
But if I could choose freely, I'd like... *
What's your preferred talk length?
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