CCSA Membership Signup Form
Luxembourg's student life is burgeoning again, thanks to the return of students to campus. CCSA is growing again too, restarting activities from before 2020, and wants to be the catalyst of cultural life, ecological and social initiatives, and sustainability in the student community. To do so, we need help! Any skill is welcome, and we are open to everyone: our members include students, alumni, and staff.

More information on events and projects we've worked on in the past:

If you would be interested in joining CCSA, to help us organises activities and events, or if you have ideas you would like to give shape to, please sign up here.

Thank you for your interest! We will reach out to you soon.
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First Name  / Prenom  *
Last Name / Nom *
Email Address / Courriel
Phone Number / Numéro de Téléphone
Introductory Event (Not mandatory)
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